Local Roofers See Massive Increase In Business From Last Month’s Hail Storm

By |2019-05-28T10:59:57-05:00May 28th, 2019|Buyers, Midland Texas, Uncategorized|

Last month's hail storm caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, according to a Reporter-Telegram article, and local roofers have been absolutely overwhelmed with work. Raintree Roofing told the paper that they normally complete two roofs a month. But they are busier than they've been in ten years thanks to the storm. The company [...]

3 Reasons To Use Real Plants When Home Staging

By |2019-06-21T14:56:38-05:00May 26th, 2019|Around the House, Home Selling, Sellers, Staging, Things to Do, Tips for Fall, Tips for Spring, Tips for Winter, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

Today's homebuyers will appreciate real plants in your home staging, not fake plants. So, when preparing your home to be seen by potential buyers, professional stagers generally suggest you get rid of any fake plants and replace them with fresh, live plants. Five million people aged 18-34 in 2016 took up some kind of gardening [...]

Midland International’s Improvements

By |2019-05-23T22:25:58-05:00May 24th, 2019|Latest News, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Uncategorized|

Midland International's improvements to the waiting area are complete. It was a $3M checkpoint project funded by grants. It should make waiting for your trip less of a drag. It's expected to help with backups of passengers. See, sometimes it was so backed up that the security checkpoint lines were backed up all the way [...]

Our Thoughts Go Out To Midland County Deputy Who Amazingly Survived Train Crash

By |2019-05-22T21:50:11-05:00May 22nd, 2019|Midland Texas|

Midland earned national media attention and social media attention worldwide this week after a deputy with the Midland County Sheriff’s Office was in a collision with a train. The deputy was trying to respond to an emergency call of an infant that was having breathing issues. On Tuesday, two emergency vehicles, both responding to the [...]

Can My Mortgage Co-Signer Be A Non-Citizen?

By |2019-05-22T19:21:38-05:00May 20th, 2019|Home Buying, Mortgages, Uncategorized|

Are you nervous because you need a co-signer on your mortgage and your co-signer is not  U.S. citizen. This isn't that uncommon, let's start there. Take a deep breath. Here is some info on getting a co-signer that is not a U.S. citizen. The main thing to keep in mind is that the FHA might [...]

Should I Go By The APR Or The Interest Rate When Considering Mortgage Options?

By |2019-05-19T13:04:37-05:00May 19th, 2019|Buyers, Mortgages, Uncategorized|

If you're about to become a new homebuyer, you might have been checking rates out online. Have you noticed that the APR and the interest rates on a mortgage aren't the same percentages? What gives and which should you use? APR APR, or annual percentage rate, is a significantly broader, more accurate figure for you [...]

Midland County Home Sales Hit Record Level For Dollar Volume

By |2019-05-15T20:41:07-05:00May 15th, 2019|Moving, Permian Basin Life, Sellers|

Midland County's real estate market is breaking records right now. The already amazing sellers' market in Midland County intensified this spring. Home sales have jumped, average selling prices surged. The total volume for homes sold in Midland County topped the charts. The dollar volume was nothing short of stunning.  Texas A&M Real Estate Center reported [...]

Can I Have Backyard Chickens In Midland, Texas?

By |2019-07-07T22:27:45-05:00May 13th, 2019|Around the House, Buyers, Home Buying, Midland Texas, Tips for Fall, Tips for Spring, Tips for Winter|

Raising backyard chickens is becoming a common hobby across the nation. It's not uncommon in several Texas cities including Midland. Still, just because some people raise backyard chickens does not mean it is without regulations. Midland has its local ordinance on keeping chickens uploaded to Municode. All of the rules are listed in the ordinances [...]

How Millennials’ Cautious Use Of Credit Affects Homeownership

By |2019-07-07T15:56:00-05:00May 9th, 2019|Buyers, Financing, Home Buying, Mortgages, Uncategorized|

Millennials are the largest generation of homebuyers at this time, but there is a trend that we are seeing in which Millennials are having a harder time getting a good mortgage than their older counterparts. While it's easy to assume that the reason must be due to wasteful credit spending, the truth is the opposite. [...]

How To Affordably Spruce Up A Bathroom Before Listing Your Midland Home

By |2019-07-07T14:05:41-05:00May 5th, 2019|Around the House, Home Selling, Midland Texas, Sellers|

Let's face it, your Midland home for sale is most likely going to sell quickly, even without an expensive bathroom remodel. The market needs more homes. If you have extra money to spend on a major facelift, manufactured veneer siding on the outside of your home or a new garage door is more likely to [...]

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