If you’re like many people selling your home in Midland, you know that you want someone to come along and offer you more money than you’re asking for – but is money really the most important consideration? Check out these three things that you should also think about (and that may sway your decision while you’re sorting through the offers you’ve received on your home).

Is Money the Most Important Consideration When You Get Offers On Your Home?

When you’re fortunate enough to get multiple offers on your home, you’ll be able to choose the one that’s right for you. Aside from the dollar amount, here are four other factors you may want to consider:

  1. What type of financing the buyer is using
  2. How much of an earnest money deposit the buyer has
  3. Whether the buyer is willing to waive contingencies
  4. When the buyer wants to close

Here’s a closer look at each.

Consideration #1 for Offers: What type of financing the buyer is using

If your prospective buyers are using a mortgage loan to buy your home, you should see a preapproval letter with their offer. If they’re using cash, their offer will say so. It’s up to you whether you consider the method of financing the buyer is using, but many sellers prefer cash buyers because closing is typically faster and the potential for a mortgage denial isn’t there.

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Consideration #2 for Offers: How much of an earnest money deposit the buyer has

An earnest money deposit is an indicator of how serious a buyer is about purchasing your home. The higher the deposit is, the stronger the offer (usually) is. The buyer’s earnest money deposit doesn’t go into your pocket; instead, it goes toward the down payment on the home. Putting down a significant amount may be a sign that the buyer really wants your house – so much that they’re willing to put down their own cash to prove it.

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Consideration #3 for Offers: Whether the buyer is willing to waive contingencies

Contingencies are conditions that have to be met before the sale can be completed. If these conditions aren’t met, the buyer has the option to walk away from the deal (so does the seller, in many cases). When buyers are willing to waive contingencies, they have fewer opportunities for a clean exit without purchasing the home, so this can be advantageous to sellers.

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Consideration #4 for Offers: When the buyer wants to close

Your closing date may matter – perhaps you’ve already found a new home and you want to close quickly, or maybe you have to move by a certain date so you can start a new job in another city. If your closing date is important to you, you may want to consider what the buyer is willing to do – and how close you can get to your ideal closing date. Sometimes buyers are flexible and will let you know that in their offer letters.

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